No More Profiteering off of Sick Patients! Excellent Primary Care, Free for All Americans!


Most physicians are uncomfortable with selling their services to patients or employers. Our program sells itself. Read More

As a DPC physician you need to sell your services. Selling can be uncomfortable. Let Us Change That For You!

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Our physicians are "Rewarded Well for Doing the Right Thing Well!" Not for Selling!

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A transparent screen

What we do? Is it for you?

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We offer DPC docs their own "mini-insurance company." This aligns incentives and is good for the patient and the doctor.

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The DPC model is a better model for the patient who is the ultimate payer. But the DPC model alone does not correct all of the problems.

3P.Insure corrects all the misaligned incentives.

The DPC model is superior to traditional fee for service model because DPC physicians have the risk for primary care services and therefore have an incentive to achieve better medical outcomes at the primary care level. Many studies show that the DPC model alone saves money. Calculations on various practices with multiple employer groups and diverse patient groups show savings from 20% to 26% when these groups transition from traditional PPO fee-for-service to the DPC model alone. However, the DPC model does not have responsibility for costs incurred outside of the 4 walls of the DPC practice. Cost reductions therefore, do not include savings from the most expensive sources, specialists and hospitals. That means even larger savings can be expected when DPC doctors transition to the 3PI model.

A transparent screen

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It will make the DPC doc's life better!

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Patients may not realize it, but physicians understand it well.

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Finding an appropriate blueprint that rewards excellent primary care has been the objective of all primary care organizations for the last 3 decades.

Our solution rewards excellent primary care.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard.

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard.


Drag the Separator Below to Compare Older Insurance Model with 3PI's Insurance Model
Without Our Solution With Our Solution
The stakes couldn't be higher.

If we win the moment

Our solution offers better healthcare, by a care team managed by the PCP. The PCP has a stake in the financial outcome as well as the medical outcome. Our solution holds out the hope of excellent, free primary care for all Americans, as well as lower overall healthcare costs for the nation.

How can we assure our Primary Care will be excellent...
How many times do you think your PCP will provide services at no cost or pay for inferior care from a specialist or hospital? Our experience has been physicians will start identifying the best options before the need arises and continue to refine those best options as long as they are financially responsible. If the PCP has some of the financial responsibility for outside services such as hospitals preventative health programs become mandatory! (Get ready for some help with willpower!)
Saving the middle class
If we win the moment, our solution offers lower overall prices in healthcare. Literally, the potential to save $2 trillion a year. This is enough to provide FREE primary care for all Americans
Return of $2T each year
When we win the moment our solution offers elimination of profiteering off of illness of the middle class. A problem that drives the middle class into debt or bankruptcy, even with insurance, more than any other single cause.

Why 3PI?

We've done it before and we intend to do it again! Read More

Increased Income
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Increased status
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Increased Wealth
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Increasing Time to enjoy life!
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How to Join the Pride?

Here's the process to become a partner with all the information you need to make this decision.

Step 1

Read The Ebook

Step 2

Watch the Webinar

Step 3

Call with one of our leaders

Step 4

Become a Partner

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PCPs Taking Control | America's New Healthcare MVP

Download the Ebook By Answering This One Survey Question. Click Below

3PI is a unique insurance model that saves DPC docs from the hassle of selling ever again.

Take Control
Align incentives with your patients!
No More Selling
Take Orders!
Greater Purpose
Save America's healthcare!